Ordinary No More

Go Beyond Ordinary

While teaching a class of The Second Degree of TRT®, a student shared her experience of her use of TRT®.

 "Life never has to be ordinary again," she remarked with wonder in her voice.

Indeed. This is a unique key.

A Life Transformed With The Radiance Technique®

Use of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) is not a run-of-the-mill approach to your life. It gives you a way to support yourself with expanded awareness like never before.

TRT® is easy to use. With your first class, you are able to access universal energy. There are no barriers. You don't have to wait for it. It's there within your Radiant Touch®.

You take TRT® with you everywhere and TRT® hands-on integrates into your daily activities. You don’t have to stop what you’re doing to apply TRT®, it’s available to you at any time. There is no separation from your daily activities.

Use of The Radiance Technique® allows your days to be filled with more light. TRT® gives you a tool to help increase your awareness and expand your awakening. With TRT®, you have a way to transform your life experience. You can add more balance to your interactions with others. You’re able to bring increased wisdom to your decision-making. You have a tool to support healing not just physically, but on all levels of your being.

A Pilgrim’s Extraordinary Journey

As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow.
— A.C. Benson, 1862-1925

So, pilgrim, where are you headed in your life travels?

Are you ready to go beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary?