Big Tech Censorship


Houston, we have a problem.

First off: this is not a political blog. As soon as you open your mouth about one side of the political landscape, you alienate the other half of the population who disagrees with it.

Along that same vein, this is not a political blog post. I am not here to debate who is right or wrong or who won the election, no matter my personal feelings about it.

This post is about censorship and Big Tech. Censorship is being exerted by Big Tech right now and it’s deeply troubling and alarming.

Big Tech

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey along with the others at Google, Amazon and Apple are in the power game of a lifetime, of several lifetimes actually. Let's be clear, they are not enlightened. I don’t want another person running my life. And even if they were enlightened, I would still not want them running my life. Nor would an enlightened person want to do so!

These unawakened and unenlightened people actually think they can tell us what to think and what to do.

I did not elect, vote for, ask for, nor do I desire Big Tech to decide who or what I can hear or see. We have ego-driven people deciding what is “fact-checked” and then forcing it down our throats. And they know nothing about what is real, about the deeper dimensions, about the Whole.

Learning From History

This type of censorship cannot sustain itself. Communist Russia and Europe could not be sustained. But unfortunately, millions of people were murdered by Stalin along the way. And no, that is not hyperbole, it was literally millions. I don’t have any illusion that I couldn’t be swept up as one of them.

What will happen when it is deemed that people cannot work with energy techniques? When meditation is banned? What makes anyone think that couldn’t happen? We are a hairbreadth away from losing everything and becoming a totalitarian country.

Censorship, suppression and repression do not work. Thoughts and ideas need to bubble up and be exposed to the light of day. They need to be examined and criticized in the full noonday sun and if not honorable, they will eventually fade and lose strength.

No Safe Haven

If we think we’re safe because we’re running with the "in" crowd, because we agree with them, or because we’re mindlessly shuffling along, sure that no one will notice us, we need to carefully clean off our glasses. We need a clearer perspective.

If we think it’s okay to censor The President of the United States because we "don’t like him" – we need to grow up. Not meaning to sound harsh, but honestly, living life only driven by likes and dislikes is a childish approach.

If we expand our awareness to hold simultaneously both our likes and dislikes, we have a greater chance of seeing with expanded vision and wholeness. An even more advanced level is the ability to hold two opposing ideas at the same time. Are you ready to take the leap?

With Or Without Tech

People of my age grew up and lived the majority of their lives without social media and even without the internet. We did just fine. Sure, the internet brought excellent advantages like online banking (along with the disadvantage of identity theft) and the movement and transfer of documents. I’m old enough to remember when sending a fax was an event and in the legal field the debate was, does the signature on a fax have the same validity as a real ink-on-paper signature?

Having the internet to stay in touch with our loved ones during a pandemic, or at any time for that matter, is a blessing. Ordering online is such a convenience. Being able to gather information swiftly, without needing to “go to the library” is a delight.

However, I fall-on-my-knees in gratitude that I did not grow up with social media.

Teen years, and even the 20s, are difficult enough without having it dominated with "likes" and on-line bullying. If I were raising children today, I would not want them on any of the social platforms. Only text messaging to coordinate times to pick them up after class, for example. Fat chance that would be successful, but one can dream.

So, do we remove all technology from our lives? That seems like throwing out the baby with the bath water as they say. Our lives have technology deeply embedded in it now. It would be nearly impossible to eliminate technology in our modern society which is a strange statement when you think about it too much.

Perhaps we do step back from some of the social media. At a minimum, we need to hold Big Tech’s feet to the fire and demand benevolence. We need fewer monopolies. We need other options.

What To Do?

So, what can we do? Here's the difficult part: I don’t know. It’s why I hesitated to write this post. Why present a problem if you don’t have a solution?

However, to start the healing process, we have to have awareness of what is happening. Seeing it is step number one. Students of TRT® can direct energy to a situation to support an alignment in Wholeness for all that is taking place. We can direct energy to clarity – first, within ourselves.

We can hold the process in our hearts, expand our understanding and yes, our universal love for all that is.

In the end, we may not understand everything at the mental level. But, we know that these present-day energies are out of balance and need re-alignment.

Stay aware, stay awake. Keep your lamp filled with oil so that your light may shine brightly.
