Calm Down

There's a meme floating around that says how telling someone to calm down has never in the history of the planet actually helped anyone to calm down.

It's meant as a joke, but like most jokes, there's a kernel of truth to be found.

If you could just "be calm" – you'd probably already be calm, right? 

Isn't that true for most situations when someone tells you to "be" something different?

Be This, Be That

Be mindful. Be aware. Be thankful. We are constantly admonished to be a multitude of things, but it's difficult, if not impossible, to become a state-of-being on command.

Furthermore, once someone starts barking at you to be one thing or another, it's not uncommon to have the reaction, "Don't tell me what to do!"

So, what to do?

Do we just will ourselves to be something? That doesn't seem terribly effective either.

Perhaps we can support ourselves on the path of becoming if we take an action that leads us in the direction of what we desire.

To Be, Take An Action

For example, instead of saying "Calm down" or telling ourselves "Don't be upset" – how about if we say, "Breathe."

Focus on the breath. Slow it down. Take a long breath in through the nose, hold for just a second and then, slowly release it out of the mouth.

Just breathe. It's an action.

We often advise our medical patients to focus on their breathing when they are undergoing a procedure. We find that saying to them, "Don't be nervous," when faced with a fearful or painful procedure is not helpful. Furthermore, it dismisses their feelings of being nervous. Instead, we focus on the breath, in and out, to help get them through the procedure.

The action of focusing on the breath helps to decrease the grip of fear or pain.

Take An Action With TRT® 

There are many dimensions inside of us. We have the inherent, wonderful ability to move past one way of being into another state-of-being.

We don't have to let outer circumstances toss us about like choppy waves on the ocean, as if we were not in charge of our own being.

The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) accesses universal energy. When TRT® is applied to the dynamic energies of our being, it helps to bring balance to our thoughts and emotions. Use of TRT® promotes rebalancing of energies that are out of alignment that we're not even aware of. How liberating!

We don't have to pick apart every little thing, analyze it or talk about it – we can relax in the healing energy that is accessed by TRT®.

Moving in the direction of wholeness is found in the simplicity of TRT® hands-on – Radiant Touch®. You take an action, apply your hands-on (right in the moment or for extended times of meditation) and then, let the healing energy walk you home.

The next time someone tells you to "be something" – take a breath and apply your TRT® hands-on. Of even greater importance, when you tell yourself to be something... do the same thing.

The wholeness that is already within you is ready to shine. 


The Way To Do Is To Be

The Way To Do Is To Be

Always we hope someone else has the answer, some other place will be better, some other time it will turn out.

This is it. No one else has the answer, no other place will be better, and it has already turned out.

At the center of your being, you have the answer: you know who you are and you know what you want. There is no need to run outside for better seeing, nor to peer from a window.

Rather abide at the center of your being: for the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart and see the way to do is to be.
— Lao Tzu

Presented in this poem by Lao Tzu is a koan for us to ponder between "to do" and "to be" – as they are both movement and stillness, each in their own way.


Doing And Being

Do you ever find yourself running after a better place as mentioned in this poem?

Do you find yourself searching for something else out there, not even sure what it is?

It's tricky, because we want to plan and prepare for things, such as going to school, working on a project, planning a trip. These are all with a future event in mind – school graduation, project completion, a place experienced. These are good and lofty goals.

Yet, our planning and projects co-exist with our challenge of being present while we're doing all of that.

In this very moment.

So easily said, and not so easily done.

Inner Heart Guidance

He writes: "At the center of your being, you have the answer."

Perhaps this center is our Inner Heart. When we are guided by our Inner Heart, our steps of doing are taken from an interior reference point. But how do we "hear" the guidance of our Inner Heart?

Students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) have a simple way to support themselves to access their intuition. Use of the TRT® hands-on connects us consciously to universal, supportive energy that allows us to better "hear" our inner heart.

When we are guided from within, and not from outside of ourselves, our doing reflects our being; the two are in alignment.