Throw Open Wide Your Window

Nature Beckons

It's March. The sky is filled with grey pillows, weighing down into the tops of tall firs that stretch heavenwards to touch the clouds.

Throw Open Your Window

It's still o-dark-hundred. I throw open the window for fresh air into the bedroom, then jump back under the covers on the bed to move through the positions of TRT® hands-on of The Radiance Technique®.

It's my idea of an ideal "camping out" situation. The comfort of my own bed with heavy, warm blankets accompanied by the fresh air and sounds of nature.


The joy of listening to a Pileated Woodpecker drumming on the trees.
An owl, staying up late, chimes in with soft hooting.
It's Sunday – no construction guys to compete with unnatural noise.
Who needs a TV in times like these?

Outer And Inner Light

I close my eyes and move through TRT® hands-on positions, drinking in the light of spirit, drinking in the sounds of nature.

Cold air sneaks in the window and swirls above my covers, but I'm tucked in – safe and warm. 

What a grateful way to begin a morning. 

Pileated Woodpecker

Great Horned Owl