She Laughs Without Fear Of The Future

Radiant Nursing honors all women 

for their courage, persistence and love.

It's Mother's Day!


Strength And Dignity

What a wonderful moment to acknowledge and remember all the women who have touched our lives.

I like this quote in Proverbs where it says:

...she laughs without fear of the future.

That line captures an essence of her courage. It's hard, sometimes, not to fear the future, isn't it?

What do we fear about the future?  It can be fear of the unknown, of hardships that might befall us, aging and illness, world situations, or losses that may be coming.

And, to be honest, all of these challenges will happen at one point or another in our lives, won't they?

Yet, this woman will meet life's challenges with courage and love.

Courage And Love

Courage is a quality within all of us.

In The New Expanded Reference Manual of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Third Edition, by Dr. Barbara Ray, Ph.D. – the entry on Courage is found on page 65:

COURAGE - In higher consciousness refers to an inner quality of Light, a quality of the Soul.
The word itself comes from “cœur” in French, meaning of the heart, and means an inner energy of the “inner heart” which is steady and ongoing no matter what the process of the outer polarities and cycles.
The Radiance Technique® puts you in “radiant touch” with these deeper inner qualities of Light.

Happy Mother's Day

Do you know women like this?

Perhaps you're one of them.