Breathe In, Breathe Out

Your Breath Holds A Key

One in-breath alone is enough to set you free – from your regrets about the past, your worries about the future, and your projects in the present.
In that state of freedom, you will make better decisions.
Next time you have to make a decision, be sure to breathe in and out first.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

We breathe. All day, all night.

Gratefully, we don't have to think about it. If it required our conscious thought, we'd all be dead by now, having let it lapse at least somewhere during a day of activity, racing to work, getting a cup of coffee, avoiding a traffic jam. Never mind trying to consciously breathe while we sleep.

Our breath is simply there, or we can choose to shine our awareness on it. As quoted above, our breath is a key to our awakening, a deeper awareness.

Precious Breath

Our breath is precious. It's the first thing that connects us to this earth at our birth. We can be born, but without the invisible cord of our breath that ties us to this earth, we won't be able to stay. 

When I first started working in Labor and Delivery, I felt sad when the newborns cried. That is, until I realized how deeply healthy it was when their lungs filled with air and they proclaimed their entrance onto this planet with a loud cry. My heart dropped to the floor when a delivery remained in frightening silence as we scrambled to save a little one.

I learned to love the cry of a newborn infant. Hearing it, I knew, at least for that moment, all was right with the world.

Remember To Breathe

As our lives march on, sometimes our breathing becomes shallow and tight. Sometimes we hold our breath.

While performing a medical procedure, we often tell our patients to breathe.

"Breathe, don't hold your breath."

Breathing with the discomfort carries us through the procedure.

For students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), use your TRT® hands-on in Front Position #1, over the lungs as you breathe, bringing balance and centering to your breathing.

It's also beneficial to apply TRT® hands-on over the solar plexus, as this is where we tend to clutch and tighten up when we are stressed or anxious. A tightened solar plexus interferes with our ability to take a full breath.

When you're about to make a decision, take time to do TRT® hands-on and breathe with awareness. The greater clarity accessed with TRT® helps illuminate a choice that supports us.

Breathe in, breathe out – with awareness.

Follow your breath. Let the breath set you free.



Imperfections As Part Of The Path

Imperfections And Acceptance On The Path

We must be willing to be completely ordinary people...,
which means accepting ourselves as we are without trying to become greater, purer, more spiritual, more insightful.
If we can accept our imperfections as they are, quite ordinarily, then we can use them as part of the path.
But if we try to get rid of our imperfections, then they will be enemies, obstacles on the road to our self-improvement.
— Chögyam Trungpa

From the book The Myth of Freedom by Chögyam Trungpa.

Does the line “willing to be completely ordinary” make you cringe even just a little bit?

Competition In Everything

Being ordinary isn’t what we’re taught in our society. Competition reigns supreme in our outer world and that means you’ve got to be greater, better – no matter which game you're playing.

Run faster, leap higher, stay up later, have more projects than the other guy, and yes, shine brighter, be more enlightened, than your meditating neighbor. You'll find competition even in the "game" of meditation.

Naturally, we are all growing and striving to be the most authentic that we can be — and yes, we want to lessen or even eliminate our faults.

But, the first step is the acceptance of who we are?

Well, how could we begin without it?

Finding Acceptance Within Ourselves

On days when you are being particularly hard on yourself, the above quote is a nice reminder to be more gentle. Students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) can support themselves on the path with ongoing use of TRT® hands-on.

Use of TRT® supports us to be the observer. It’s like turning up the lights in a darkened room. With increased light, we’re able to see more clearly.

TRT® hands-on helps us to relax into a deeper awareness of ourselves.


Freedom On The Path

The fact that Chögym Trungpa chose the title The “Myth” of Freedom is a bit daring, don’t you think?

Isn’t that the dream of all meditators — to be free? Free from it all? And yet, many of our teachers remind us that the path of meditation is not an escape.

There’s no escape from ourselves.

What is freedom? Where is it? Is it inside or outside of us?

Open portals are all around us.

Step through the gateways that you find in your meditations.


The Blog For Radiant Nursing

We Made A Change To Radiant Nursing

Radiant Nursing – more accurately reflects what we're doing here. It's been an organic process... starting out, trying it out, and discovering along the way.

What I found is that our blog is for Radiant Nursing. The marketing people holler "you are your brand" – but, in fact, that just doesn't work here.

Yes, I am the Authorized Instructor of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) for Radiant Nursing. But the real star here is The Radiance Technique®.

Hearts in the Wind – A Blog for Radiant Nursing

This blog represents Radiant Nursing and includes notes about the use of TRT®.

It has pictures and photos to inspire us along with sayings and quotes to encourage us. Naturally, some of my personality is expressed, but the main star is Radiant Nursing, not me, Leslie Anneliese.

True Freedom

Herein lies the real beauty – and freedom – of The Radiance Technique®.

TRT® is NOT based on the personality of the instructor; it is not based on any personal belief systems, dogma, ideas or ways of thinking. It is a science of universal energy for you to use in your life.

Your Authorized Instructor provides clear information about the technique, how to use it, and how to benefit from it in your daily life.

When you study The Radiance Technique® with an Authorized Instructor – you are receiving The Radiance Technique®Authentic Reiki® – the real, unchanged attunements that guarantee you access to whole, healing, and universal energy each and every time you use it.

It is the most definitive self-help technique you could want. Once you have studied your degree, it is yours for life.

Gratitude For This Technique

I am grateful for this technique, The Radiance Technique®, in my daily life.

I thought about just going on with my personal life and not teaching... but then, I realized that I really want you to have the chance to benefit from this supportive technique.

Because, believe me, taking a seminar in The Radiance Technique® is a game changer.

A life changer.

All in a way that is loving and supportive of you.

Try it. You'll see for yourself.